Each company or organization sets up a Vocoli "instance" to generate surveys, to build a suggestion box, and to connect with the team.
Which one of these is you?
It is becoming more and more common to remove excess layers of leadership in most organizations. However, one risky experiment by online megastore Zappos.com proved that at least one layer of management is necessary for happy and successful employees.
Technology guru General Electric has dominated the consumer products and innovation space over the last 30 years. But things haven't always been so easy for the multinational conglomerate. Growth for the brand was slow and steady until former CEO Jack Welch decided to take the idea of 'business as usual' and flip it upside-down. Take a lesson from GE and learn how better engagement with your company can lead to innovative success.
2015 has been a big year for the Vocoli team. We have helped our clients to increase collaboration within their teams, become better at problem-solving and boost innovation within their company. After a really solid 2015 we also realized that we've come up with a lot of great blogs on everything from communication and employee evaluation to management and motivation. So, as our gift to you we've compiled the best of our best blogs into one easy-to-access page. Click here to brush up on these topics (and more) so 2016 can be a great year for your company too!
Despite best efforts to save a long-standing staple of iconic sports brands, Boston's City Sports will be closing its doors for good after a 30 year run. But what steps could have been taken to save this business, and other small businesses like it, from going under?
The concept of innovation has long been thought of as coming up with the best new and market-shattering idea first. However, plenty of companies have found success not as the creator of the next best idea, but being the first to implement. Knowing when and how to implement your team's best ideas can often mean the difference between success and missing the boat.
Technological advances have made it possible to communicate with someone on the other side of the world with the click of a button. Messages that used to take days or weeks to send back and forth, can now be accomplished within a matter of seconds. This has opened many doors to organizations seeking to have employees in various geographic reasons. But, while technology has made communicating with widespread teams easier, one problem still remains - how to easily manage and integrate teams that are thousands of miles apart.
Most companies depend on the conveniences of technology to help increase productivity, communicate and stay ahead of industry trends. But, being a truly successful organization in the digital era means more than just having top of the line laptops, smart phones and the fastest internet speeds. Read more to see what tools your team is missing to be truly successful.
One of the biggest struggles that most companies face today, is a problem that has existed before the cellphone, email and computer age - effective communication! Technology has brought us out of the age of needing to pick up a landline to communicate with our teams, but too many emails, meetings and messages have taken us from under-communicating to inundated with info. How can your team communicate smarter, not harder?
Successful companies have always been concerned with the image that their brand and corporate values portray to the public. Everything from sustainable business practices, to sourcing ethical products and fair treatment of their talent has now fallen under the microscope. Because of this, keeping employees happy is no longer important just for the internal success of an organization, but for the public opinion of your company as well. A lesson learned the hard way, by one of America's favorite coffee brands . . .
Few news stories have made as big a splash as the recent piece in the New York Times about workplace abuse at Amazon. The company, so recently the object of praise for surpassing Walmart in value to become the world’s largest retailer, found itself in full damage control almost overnight and was caught entirely flat-footed. But, after reading several blog posts, reactions from the public and news sources covering the story, one might be suspect as to who is really at fault in this situation. . .
A good internal communications plan is vital for you organization to run smoothly. There are various ways for an organization to make internal communications effective, such as internal newsletters, updates from the CEO, and enterprise social networks. One critical but often overlooked strategy is implementing an employee suggestion program.
So if you haven’t noticed, we love twitter. It’s a great resource to find other peoples content and share your favorites. Here’s some of the best articles we saw this week with our adorable commentary to follow.
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