Each company or organization sets up a Vocoli "instance" to generate surveys, to build a suggestion box, and to connect with the team.
Which one of these is you?
Think your employees are happy and would never jump ship? You might want to reconsider that notion. Recent survey data from Indeed Inc. indicated a full 65% of people look for other jobs within the first three months of starting a new job.
The first 60 days in any company can be an exciting and trying time. It’s a time of getting one’s feet wet, acclimating to the culture and learning the major requirements and responsibilities of the new position. However, what many fail to realize, is that this is also a time to prove his/her net worth to the organization by having a real impact.
Join us for Vocoli's monthly live demo. Vocoli's monthly demo is your chance to get a real-time view of our product, discover more about the platform and see what the Vocoli system can do for your team!