Each company or organization sets up a Vocoli "instance" to generate surveys, to build a suggestion box, and to connect with the team.
Which one of these is you?
Have a nagging organizational problem and want to use the combined knowledge of your team to solve it? Challenges can be oriented around Kaizen or CQI based ideas, or you can generate a conversation around new product offerings and opportunities.
Leadership can create challenges around existing organizational issues.
Anyone within the company can respond to challenges, providing valuable crowdsourcing information from across the organization.
Topics are a great place to post information about existing programs and initiatives within the organization.
Facilitate conversations around topics, and encourage collaboration and networking within the organization.
Join us for Vocoli's monthly live demo. Vocoli's monthly demo is your chance to get a real-time view of our product, discover more about
the platform and see what the Vocoli system can do for your team!